Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Many wonder if they should hire a professional pressure washing company or go the DIY route.

Many homeowners use the summer months to complete household projects. Some think that pressure washing their home under the summer sun is a great idea. After all, getting a little wet in the extreme heat is okay. And, it’s just blasting away dirt and grime, right? It seems easy and everything will be bright Complete Power Wash tech in Hagerstown, MDand shiny once the water is turned off and the machine is put away.

Many find out that they are wrong. Other people hire Complete Power Wash (CPW), because of their reputation as THE professional pressure washing company in the Hagerstown, MD area. Many of those same people hire CPW again in the future, because they know it is worth the investment in having a clean, healthy home.

Keep reading to learn the reasons WHY hiring Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD is the best way to clean your home’s exterior.


Good Reasons to hire a Professional Pressure Washing Company

CPW techs expertly use professional pressure washing equipment. Certain building materials need to be cleaned certain ways. An inexperienced pressure washer or a homeowner may THINK they know how to clean. Blasting into siding, wood, brick and concrete seems right to amateurs working with high-

Pressure washing damage to wood deck

       Pressure Washing Damage

pressure tools. However, this usually leads to damage, costing much more than hiring a professional pressure washing company.

Scaring up the exterior isn’t the damage that can occur. Getting water inside the exterior walls can lead to mold, mildew and other harmful elements, which can cause health hazards. Broken windows, gouged wood, chipped paint, and scarred walkways and driveways round out the top “bad outcomes” from pressure washing equipment in the wrong hands. Just consider how much money you WON’T save when paying to correct these issues.

Softwash (read more below) is the best way to clean.

Safety Reasons are Good Reasons Too

Roof washing by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDSafety is another BIG reason to hire a Complete Power Wash tech. Ladders, water pressure and wet surfaces can be a recipe for serious injuries.  CPW techs take the right precautions. If a CPW tech gets hurt, the employer will take care of the employee. If a homeowner or an uninsured amateur gets injured, it’s a different story. Pain, suffering and being out of work will cost a lot more than hiring a pro to wash your Tri-state area home. Click here to read the CPW blog about pressure washing injuries.

NOTE: Beware of the “fly-by-night” novice who bought a pressure washing machine. He – or she – may undercut the professional’s price, but property damage and lawsuits are not wise ways to save a few pennies.

Great Results are the BEST Reason

Brick cleaning before and after cleaning by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDThe main goal is making a dirty property clean. Certainly everyone wants great results and NO damage to their home. Otherwise, why spend time and money on the job in the first place?

Pressure washing is a messy job. Professional pressure washing techs know how to clean and clean up a property, leaving it beautiful. A clean home with a few water puddles should be the expectation. DIY pressure washers and amateurs are often dumbfounded by their results…or lack of results. Those results usually include dirt and grime just being moved, and not removed.

Complete Power Wash Testimonial

“The house always looks like new. We have used them (Complete Power Wash) before and will surely use them again.” – Sandra N.


Contact Us for Professional Pressure Washing

Click here, call 301.842.220 or email our office at to connect with our Hagerstown, MD staff. Our cleaning techs serve the Tri-state area of Maryland, West Virginia and Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDPennsylvania. That area includes the greater Hagerstown region, Greencastle, PA and Falling Waters, WV.

Complete Power Wash techs use the softwash technique. They use “just the right water pressure,” combined with gentle, environmentally-friendly detergents. These detergents are used to weaken the grip of dirt, mold, mildew and other natural elements. CPW employs the area’s cleaning experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning.

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