Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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June is here, bringing summer fun to your home and yard.

June is here and summer has unofficially begun. Pools are open, schools are closed and many families are on the road to a vacation. Prior to the official Hello June from Complete Power Wash pressure washing company in Hagerstown, MDstart of summer (June 21st), there are a few other celebrations to honor your country and your dad. Tuesday, June 14th is Flag Day and five days later dads will be honored. Father’s Day on June 19th is a great time to buy dad a great gift or to enjoy a fun activity with him. These links should provide some ideas to make dad feel special on his day.

The staff at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD wishes all the dads a great Father’s Day!

Man with pressure washing injury says Hello June in Hagerstown, MDJune is also National Safety Month. Make sure dad remains injury-free by hiring a professional pressure washing company to clean the house and property. Residential cleaning units have the power to cut through skin and bone. Feet are often the victim, as operators are generally spraying down while cleaning sidewalks, driveways, decks and patios. If you think this an exaggeration, just look at some of the comments below. These were straight from a chat forum entitled, “Pressure Washers, anyone have an accident?”

“I once sprayed my foot by accident. At the emergency room they told me they see three or four pressure washer accident victims a week. The surgeon said, ‘I can’t believe you didn’t do more damage than that.’ I must also add that this was a pretty powerful machine; it’s 4000 PSI and I had it locked on full throttle.”


“I went to start one (pressure washing machine) and put my hand on the exhaust for leverage. It had been running just a couple minutes before. I heard it sizzle before I felt it. That hurt!”


The History of Father’s Day

June 19th is Father's Day in 2022Father’s Day first came to be on June 19, 1910, according to this article. That was two years after a West Virginia church celebrated the fathers lost in a coal mining accident. This is considered the event that lead to the holiday now know as Father’s Day, celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June. It wasn’t until 1972 that it became a recognized holiday by the Federal Government. This was 58 years after Mother’s Day was made a Federal holiday.


Father’s Day Quotes

Being a dad isn’t easy…but when somebody does it right, it reminds the rest of us what a world-changing difference a good dad can make. – Andrew Blackburn

“No matter how small you were, when Dad said, ‘love you,’ you’d feel bigger than the sky.” – Melvina Young

“The best gift a man can give to the world is to be a good father.” – Renee Daniels


While you’re celebrating dad and enjoying the warmer weather, the CPW cleaning techs will be cleaning homes in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. They are the local pressure washing experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. Those techs also clean driveways, chimneys, gutters and remove graffiti.

The CPW staff uses the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. If your home is dirty — covered in black and green stains or the grime built up from years of neglect — call Complete Power Wash. Call soon to make sure your home is beautiful before family and friends arrive for summer gatherings.

Contact CPW for Your Pressure Washing Appointment

Call 301.842.2290 or contact the CPW office today for a free pressure washing estimate. Click here to see images of the tech’s pressure washing work. They serve the greater Hagerstown area and most of Frederick County, MD. These cleaning pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

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