Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Learn why Complete Power Wash is your best option for professional exterior cleaning of Tri-state area homes and businesses.

Think Pressure Washing During Heart Month

Think Pressure Washing During Heart Month

February is National Heart Month, so start thinking about great ways to strengthen your heart and about Spring Pressure Washing Season.

Okay, we know this is a stretch, but it’s the middle of winter and we just want you to think about some important things. The first is that heart disease is the number one killer of men and woman in the U.S. Since we think living is a good thing, we want to take some time and space here to share some good news. That good news is that you can make a change and live a healthier and longer life. Below are a list of recommendations from the American Heart Association.

Happy February from Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDWisdom for the Heart


Pressure Washing this Spring

Now, as your eating better and exercising, start thinking about pressure washing. That’s right, spring is getting closer every day. One of the suggestions in the mental health article is to focus on one thing. We suggest focusing on having a beautiful home. Right now, your grass and Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDlandscape are pretty dreary. But soon, they will come to life. Don’t let a dirty house, patio, sidewalks and gutters steal that natural beauty.

We at Complete Pressure Washing want to schedule you — weather permitting — for an early spring cleaning. Our techs would love to bring their softwash expertise and help you have the best-looking home in your neighborhood. Even if the plants are starting to bloom, our use of gentle water pressure and environmentally-safe detergents won’t interrupt their progress. Just imagine green grass and colorful plants and trees framing a freshly-cleaned home in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We think there are few things more beautiful.

If this sounds good to you, contact us here for questions or to schedule an appointment. We’re happy to provide a free estimate, because our price for the value is a great deal.

In the meantime, we hope you and your family have a happy February!

Shotgun Fungus is a Tough Foe for Pressure Washers

Shotgun Fungus is a Tough Foe for Pressure Washers

Complete Power Wash techs successfully clean the toughest elements that nature can bring to the exterior of a home. But Shotgun Fungus is the toughest.


Our pressure washing techs can clean nearly every tough stain found on a house, roof, deck, fence, etc… in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. One of the toughest are the little black dots, often found on vinyl siding. If you’ve seen these on your home, you likely tried scraping them off with a fingernail. And then tried scraping harder. And finally, just short of tearing off a nail, gave up in frustration. The best advice we give is to prevent the fungus from attaching and then spreading.

Artillery fungus or Shotgun Fungus on houses in the greater Hagerstown, MD area.

What Are These Black Dots?

“Shotgun” fungus (Sphaerobolus stellatus) — also know as Artillery Fungus — originates in the mulch often found in flower beds next to a home. Its name is derived from the Greek for “spear thrower,” as it indicates how the black spores are propelled from the ground to the home’s siding. The launch can spray up to 20 feet high. The spores are extremely adhesive and will stick to any surface. The spores aren’t harmful, but are extremely difficult to remove. The black dots resemble an artillery spray, or shotgun blast, hence the name.

What Causes Shotgun Fungus?

It is a common misconception that more expensive mulch will be fungus free, or that cheap mulch is more prone to having the fungus in it. This is simply not true. Artillery fungus can infect any organic mulch, and under the right conditions it will flourish and create a pesky problem. Artillery fungus thrives in cool, moist, shady areas. If you have the telltale black dots on your home, you will notice that they are located above mulched areas where the fungus has shot their spores. In the Tri-state area on Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the fungus is actively shooting spores for approximately 2 weeks each year. Until action is taken, the dots will accumulate, getting worse every year.

What Is The Solution For Artillery Fungus?

At this time, Complete Power Wash has no recommended solution for the removal of the fungus spores, however we can tell you how to stop them from getting worse. Unfortunately, pressure washing does not remove the spores. Some people have had luck using abrasive cleaning sponges and elbow grease. The first step is to remove the infected mulch by raking and disposing. The second step is to replace the organic mulch with an inorganic material like rubber mulch or stone. This is the only way to ensure that the mulch is completely removed. Some people have had success smothering the fungus with plastic, or adding more mulch to the old mulch. We do not recommend this, as it rarely works.

Inspection is Better than Cleaning

The obvious solution is found in the wise saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound on cure.” If you must have mulch next to your house, routinely inspect the siding after putting down new mulch. As soon as you see the black dots, remove it immediately. 

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD

Contact Us

To schedule a FREE pressure washing estimate and appointment for the upcoming season, just click here. You can also call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.2290.

Our Service Area

Our pressure washing techs work throughout the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. Call 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free estimate.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the Greater Hagerstown, MD areaclick here.



New Year’s Resolutions and a Look Back at 2019

The new year is here and so are the New Year’s Resolutions that will shape 2020.

Each new year brings reflections on the old year passing and dreams of the new one to come. We are so thankful for another year of helping others and seeing our business grow and improve. We met many new friends in 2019 and hope those will become life-long connections. As folks are sitting down now to make their New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, we thought it would be fun to see the wisdom the internet holds for such suggestions. The typical ones of losing weight, eating better, going to church, saving money, exercising more, etc… have been replaced. The ones we found achieve similar results, but in smaller “bites,” you could say. These include building a better budget; eating vegetables regularly; doing one new exercise; etc…. To learn more, read the full article here.

If your resolutions include beautifying your home in 2020, please let us help. Our pressure washing experts know how to clean the exterior of your home and do it the right way. The right way includes using a softwash approach that will clean all surfaces — shingles, gutters, siding, walkways, awnings, fences and more — without damage. Contact us here or by calling our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.2290. You can also email our office staff at

While looking forward to a great new year, we also thought to search for good news from 2019. Sometimes the bad news leads and the good news gets forgotten by those reporting. We know that we at Complete Power Wash heard plenty of good news in the greater Hagerstown area, but what about the rest of the world? We were surprised to find headlines like:

Good News Headlines from 2019

Ethiopia Smashed World Record for Tree Planting

Poaching of Rhinos, Elephants Drops Dramatically in Kenya

Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in the US Reaches All-time Low of 13.7%

Type 3 Polio Officially Becomes Second Species of Poliovirus Eliminated in 2019

Report Shows Children’s Lives have Improved in 173 out of 176 Countries Since 1999

According to the World Bank, India Halved its Poverty Rate in the Past 30 years.


To read more good news, click on this link. There are 99 inspiring stories (snippets of stories) that will encourage you as you boldly go into 2020. We hope you will be someone’s inspiring story as we approach the year 2021 a year from now. Until then….

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas from Complete Power Wash in Clear Spring, MD

Everyone at Complete Power Wash wishes you a Merry Christmas and a great holiday season!

“We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas…” Okay, now that you have the song in your head, we really do wish you a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday season and a great start to the new year!

This is also a great time for us to say “thank you” to all of our clients, who were among the highlights of 2019. We look forward to serving you again in the future. We hope and pray the new year is a great one for all, and that peace will be the main thing we celebrate this time next year.

To find out more about Complete Power Wash, click on these links. If you prefer to talk to us, click here to send a message or call our Clear Spring, MD office at 301.842.2290.

And while you’re waiting for Santa and the New Year to arrive, enjoy reading about the way others celebrate Christmas around the world.

Christmas Traditions from Around the World


Celebrations of Christmas around the world often include acts of charity. Ukrainians traditionally hang spider web-shaped decorations on the tree. This reflects their legend of the poor widow who didn’t have enough money to decorate her tree, but when her children awoke on Christmas day, the tree was covered in webs that glistened gold and silver in the new day’s light.


Jamaicans dress in elaborate costumes to celebrate Christmas with parades and “Junkanoo” dancers, which is based on African dances. The December 26th festival may have started as early as the 16th Century.


The Spanish dish, turrón, a sweet dish made from honey, egg white, sugar, and toasted almonds, is served during Christmas. Recipes date back to the 16th Century.


Mistletoe was first hung as a Christmas decoration in Great Britain. However, the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is thought to have originated in other parts of Europe.


Children in Holland receive presents from Sinterklaas on December 5, rather than on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. And if they leave carrots for Sinterklaas’s horse, he’ll leave sweets for the kids.


Thirteen jólasveinarnir, or “Christmas Lads,” deliver presents to children in Iceland. Originally, the Christmas Lads were pranksters. Each showed up on a specific day around Christmas and performed a trick.


Children in Japan receive their Christmas presents on their pillow during Christmas night. Many Japanese families serve fried chicken as their traditional Christmas meal.


In Norway, people hide all the brooms in the house on Christmas Eve to prevent witches from stealing them for a midnight ride. It’s also a Christmas Eve tradition to leave a bowl of porridge in the barn for the gnome who protects the farm.


In Germany, it is traditional for children to decorate their Christmas lists with pictures and then leave them on the windowsill overnight. Then, the Christkind delivers gifts at Christmas. Also in Germany, it’s a tradition to leave a shoe or boot outside the front door on December 5, so that Sinterklaas will put small presents in their shoes for the following morning (Saint Nicholas Day).


Here, Christmas is celebrated on January 7, and Babouschka brings gifts to children. Babouschka, meaning old woman or grandmother in Russian, is based on the biblical story of the woman who didn’t give a gift to the baby Jesus. So, to repent, she gives gifts to children. Wonder why we celebrate Christmas on December 25 anyway? Here’s where the tradition came from.


The traditional Christmas meal in Poland is called the Wigilia. Held on Christmas Eve, Wigilia is derived from the Latin phrase “to watch.” Families here believe that what happens during Wigilia festivities predicts the coming year.


Italian families celebrate Christmas Eve with the Feast of the Seven Fishes and eat lentils during the holiday season to ensure luck and wealth for the following year. The children in Italy receive gifts from La Befana during Christmas.


It’s traditional for Irish families to leave out mince pies and pint of Guinness as a snack for Santa. As kids get older, this tradition may come to an end and continue to be passed on. Learn about what to say when your child asks, “Is Santa real?”


In Finland, families decorate the holiday tree with geometric mobiles made out of straw. It’s also customary to enjoy a sauna on Christmas Eve before Santa’s visit; according to the ancient custom, this ritual cleanses the body and mind.

Merry Christmas!

Our services include roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. Our techs are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing, using the softwash approach to clean. This technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents is the safest and best way to pressure wash.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Welcome to December!

Welcome to December, along with holidays, the end of another year and start of 2020.

December can be such a great month, as long as you plan it well and execute the plan with precision. After all, there are decorations to be put up, shopping to be done, bowl games to watch, family to be entertained, holidays to be enjoyed, and — if there is time left — relaxing to be done. It is a busy month, but there are ways to get all of this done. Here is a link to a helpful article for some assistance, because we want you to enjoy this time of year.

Another way we want to help ease the burden of a busy life is to pressure wash the outside of your house, because you want the friends and family walking up to a freshly scrubbed sidewalk and house. We still have some openings in our techs’ schedules. But, if you want your walkways, siding, deck, driveway, roof or anything else cleaned before Christmas, don’t wait, because bad weather can make the schedule very tight.

While you’re planning your December schedule, be sure to take in some of the fun opportunities in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Click on this link to pick and choose from all the great events. And while you’re clicking links, click here to read our Google pressure washing reviews.


December Dates to Remember

December is derived from the Latin word decem, which means “ten” because it was the tenth month of the early Roman calendar.

  • Hanukkah begins at sundown on Sunday, December 22, and ends at sundown on the 30th.
  • December 6 is Saint Nicholas Day. St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, inspires traditions around the world from hunts for presents to stockings or shoes filled with sweets.
  • December 7 is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. remembering those who died during this attack by the Japanese in Hawaii.
  • December 13 is St. Lucia’s Day, which has long been associated with festivals of light.
  • December 15 is Bill of Rights Day, declared in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • December 21 is the Winter Solstice — the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • December 24 is Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, marked with many family and church gatherings.
  • Deck before and after pressure washed by Complete Power WashDecember 25 is Christmas Day, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
  • December 26 is Boxing Day (Canada, UK).
  • December 31 is New Years Eve, ushering out of the old year and welcoming the new one.


December Pressure Washing by Complete Power Wash

We hope you enjoy these last weeks of fall. If you would like your house, sidewalks or deck pressure washed before 2020, contact us right away. Cold weather will likely make it tough for us to work all the way up to December 24th.

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash approach to clean. This technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents is the safest and best way to pressure wash.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for a great year.

The staff at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD is grateful and hopes that your Thanksgiving is about taking the time to appreciate everything good in 2019. Our staff members also hope that it will be a safe and happy holiday for you, your family and your friends.
We encourage you to spend Thanksgiving day telling the people in your life just how thankful you are for them. Tell them, text or email them, or even send a note through the mail. We know that when people say nice things about us — see below — if makes us feel great and want to make sure each client is happy with our work. Payment for a job well done is nice, but compliments about how we do our job, is a bonus that is priceless. We can guarantee NO ONE will be upset that you took the time and consideration to be appreciative. 
And while you’re thinking of who you can reach out to during the Thanksgiving season, enjoy these Thanksgiving trivia questions:
Happy Thanksgiving from Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD

Did You Know This About Thanksgiving?

1. What year was the celebration that is most commonly considered to be the first Thanksgiving?

A: 1621. This is the celebration that people most often talk about when they are talking about the “first” Thanksgiving. But there are others that are claimed to be the first Thanksgiving. There was another celebration in Plymouth in 1623 and one in Boston in 1631 that people claim was the actual first Thanksgiving.

2. How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?

A: Three days. It was celebrated much earlier than our current celebration, possibly in late September. There were about 50 European settlers and around 90 native Americans (from the Wampanoag tribe) who attended the multi-day feast.

3. Under which president did Thanksgiving become an annual holiday?

A: Abraham Lincoln. The U.S. has celebrated Thanksgiving off and on since 1774. On November, 26, 1789 George Washington made a proclamation that the country would celebrate a day of thanksgiving to God. Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday after Sarah Joseph Hale, the woman who wrote “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” convinced Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. That came after writing letters to him for 17 years.

4. Was turkey served at the first Thanksgiving?

A: Turkey wasn’t served at the first Thanksgiving. Legend has it that venison, duck, goose, oysters, lobster, eel, and fish were shared, along with pumpkins and cranberries. Surprisingly, it is believed that the pumpkins were served in a stew and in pies, although slightly different than we make today. 

5. Which president was the first to give a turkey a presidential pardon?

A: Ronald Reagan. John F. Kennedy was the first president on record for unofficially sparing a Turkey in 1963. The Reagan administration in 1987 gave the first official presidential pardon to a turkey as a joke. The turkey was spared and put into a petting zoo. George H. Bush made it an annual tradition in 1989 and each president since has carried on the tradition.

Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MD

Thankful for Kind Words About our Pressure Washing Work

“Amazing customer service! I hired Complete Power Wash and crew for my relatives house wash and the results were amazing. Communication and customer service is key, and they went above and beyond. I will definitely use them again.”   – Joe Devenow


Pressure Washing by Complete Power Wash

We hope you enjoy the entire Thanksgiving week. If you would like your house, sidewalks or deck pressure washed before 2020, contact us right away. Cold weather will likely make it tough for us to work all the way up to December 24th.

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash approach to clean. This technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents is the safest and best way to pressure wash.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

November is for fun….and Pressure Washing

Welcome to November

Welcome to November, the month that reminds us to be thankful; a month to have some pre-winter fun; and a month to have us pressure wash your home. With warm days and cold nights, November is the perfect time to gather with family and friends around a fire pit. It’s also a great month for playing sports outside, going for a hike or bike ride, or even planting a fall garden. If you want something of the lower-impact variety, go to a local park or attend a fall festival. For more Hagerstown, MD-area fall ideas, click here.

And while you’re having fun, the Complete Power Wash techs will be happy to get your home ready for holiday guests. Contact us here to schedule a pressure washing appointment to clean your roof, sidewalks, siding, gutters, deck, and/or fence. We still have some openings on our November and December schedules. However, December is always iffy, because any early winter can force us to wrap the pressure washing season early.

November pressure washing with Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD

What Makes November Special

Month-long celebrations and special days include:

Election Day — Tuesday, Nov. 5th                                                                                                                    Veterans Day — Monday, Nov. 11th
World Diabetes Day — Thursday, Nov. 14th
Thanksgiving  – Thursday, Nov. 28th
American Indian Heritage Month — Learn more about this country’s native people group.
Good Nutrition Month — Commit to eating a low-carbohydrate diet, cutting process sugar and increasing lean protein and fiber intake.
Aviation Month — Learn how air travel started with the Wright Brothers in 1903.
American Diabetes Awareness Month — Have your blood sugar checked and start cutting back on your sugar intake and increasing activity.
National Stamp Collecting Month — Learn about the history of postage stamp artwork.
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month — Celebrate this delicious concoction of Marcellus Gilmore Edson.

Complete Power Wash’s Services

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDComplete Power Wash pressure washing techs are the exterior cleaning experts in Hagerstown and the surrounding Tri-state area of Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Some of those areas include Clear Spring, Hancock, Boonsboro, Smithsburg, Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

Concrete cleaning by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown MDOur techs use the softwash cleaning technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. This is safe and effective! With softwash, they provide roof cleaning, house washing. deck and patio cleaning and more. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Pressure Washing Before the Holidays

Schedule your pressure washing appointment now and be ready for the holiday guests.


“Its beginning to look a lot like…” Well, it’s ALMOST that time of year. The time of year when Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations come out and professional power washing companies put away there equipment until spring. Soon, most of the leaves will have fallen, the nights are getting colder and the holidays — beyond Halloween — will be in view.

Is your sidewalk clean or is it scary, as thought it’s decorated for Halloween? Do you want it sparkling, like the lights on a Christmas tree? What will your relatives and friends find when they approach your door in a few weeks?

The technicians at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD haven’t packed up their pressure washing equipment for 2019. There are still a few spots on the schedule open for pressure washing your sidewalk, roof, siding, gutters, etc…. Whatever it is that is taking away from the beauty of your home, be assured there is still time to get a free estimate and book an appointment. You can do that easily by clicking here.

Softwash is Best Pressure Washing

Roof washing by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDComplete Power Wash techs will use the softwash method to clean your home for the holiday season. The method is the perfect balance of water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. They use softwash while serving residents and businesses throughout the Tri-State (Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia) area. Those areas include Hagerstown, Hancock, Clean Spring, Boonsboro, Smithsburg, Myersville and Funkstown in Maryland. In Pennsylvania they travels to Greencastle, Waynesboro and State Line.  Our West Virginia service areas include Falling Waters, Inwood and Martinsburg.

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDContact Us for a Pressure Washing Appointment

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Professional Softwash, Not Amateur Pressure Wash

The softwash technique is the best way to safely clean a house or commercial building

“Grime needs to be blasted away!” is what you will here from some pressure washing “professionals.”

DO NOT listen to these so-called professionals.

Most people — including fly-by-night pressure washers — think the best way to pressure wash is to use high-powered water pressure, because it is tough cleaning. The problem is, the grime and part of your surface usually leave together. If you don’t believe us, just look at the photos in this article.

Pressure washing damage can be costly, because replacing building materials is never cheap.

Softwash is the technique most true pressure washing professionals use on even the toughest buildup. The professionals at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD are trained in the best way to use softwash. Our techs use “just the right water pressure,” combined with gentle, environmentally-friendly detergents. These detergents are used to weaken the grip of dirt, mold, mildew and other natural elements. Once the detergent takes affect, the technician can gently wash away the grime. We can even remove graffiti.

Softwash also limits the mess that most amateur power washing companies leave behind. The homeowner does not want to pay good money and have more of a mess.


Blasting Away Pressure Washing Problems

The most-costly damage done by inexperienced technicians is done to shingles and other roofing materials. This damage can be during the job and even later, because damaged shingles can shorten the life of a roof, which can allow rain, sleet and snow to seep in and damage the wood sheathing. Moisture in an attic can lead even bigger problems. The integrity of the roof — except for a home’s foundation — is the most important part of the exterior structure.

Pressure washing damage in Hagerstown, MD. Hire Complete Power Wash for the softwash technique of cleaningOther common mistakes in the pressure-washing world include the scarring of wood, concrete and siding. Even brick can be ruined by an amateur. Commercial pressure washing and personal use machines have enough concentrated power to blast into decks and driveways. Once lines are carved into such materials, a professional will likely have to fix the damage.

And imagine what happens when that kind of water pressure is used on vinyl siding. Often the damage is not just seen on the outside, but felt under the covering. As the water pushes on the flexible material, it can find its way in the gaps and seams of the siding. Then the water is trapped between the siding and home’s outer wall. This can be a perfect scenario for mold and mildew to take hold, which can cause lots of costly problems, including poor interior air quality. This can trigger asthma and other respiratory problems.

Our technicians are trained to pressure wash your home the right way. When they finish a job, everything looks better and the environment left healthy. And, our techs leave the grounds clean and tidy. To schedule a

Contact Us

To schedule a FREE estimate and appointment during the busy fall season, just click here. You can also call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.2290.

Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MD

Softwash Service Area

Our techs will be working this fall throughout the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. Call 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free estimate.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the Greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Welcome to the Fall Season!

The Entire Team at Complete Power Wash Welcome the Fall Season and its Beautiful Weather


Fall for pressure washing by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDWe love the fall season, because the hot summer days are behind us. We love this season because we can now help homeowners get ready for the holiday season, and what we hope will be a short winter. So if your sidewalks or siding are not “up for entertaining,” please let us help get them ready. Our technicians will bring our professional equipment and their years of cleaning expertise and have your home ready quickly. Along with the professional equipment, they use the softwash technique to clean your property safely.

Most amateurs try and blast dirt, grime and algae away. The problem is, as they blast away the filth, they also blast INTO the surfaces. The scarring of concrete, wood and other building materials can be VERY costly!

Gutter Cleaning is Essential

Gutter Cleaning in Hagerstown, MD by the pressure washing experts at Complete Power WashOne area of your home that needs to be clean before winter is the gutters. Most homeowners don’t even think about gutters until there’s a problem. Then it’s too late, because water can find lots of places to go if not channeled away from the house. Sticks, leafs and acorns can quickly clog gutters and downspouts. Many people think water will just flow around it, but heavy rains can back up in a hurry.

If water backs up, it will overflow, run down the walls and likely come inside your home. And, if you live where it snows, backed up water freezes and snow can back up under shingles. This can lead to damage inside and outside of your home, negatively impacting your roofing materials.

Contact us today online or by calling us at 301.842.2290 for an estimate to pressure wash your Hagerstown-area home. We’re also happy to answer questions, so you can make a wise choice about your home’s care.

Fall Season Facts

Historically “Fall” was called “Harvest,” because of the harvest season that occurs during these months.

Fall colors can bring mold and mildew that can be cleaned by Complete Power WashFall Is caused by the Earth’s tilt, not the planet’s distance from the sun. When the northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun, we get warmer and then colder as it tilts away.

Weight gain around this time of year may not only from food. Researchers have found that lack of vitamin D — which the sun helps your body produce — reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage. So you can’t completely blame all the pumpkin-spice drinks and desserts.

Fall colors are caused by the amount of sugar in leaves. The more red in the leaf, the more sugar that leaf is storing.

Fall tourism — or “leaf peeping” — brings in big money, around $3 billion annually to the New England states.

People with fall birthdays are statistically better students and live longer, according to a UK Department of education and the University of Chicago study.


Serving You This Fall Season

Our techs will be working this fall throughout the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. Call 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free estimate.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the Greater Hagerstown, MD area, click here.

Complete Power Wash is a professional pressure washing company in Hagerstown, MD. The CPW techs clean the exteriors of homes, businesses and churches in Western Maryland’s Tri-state area. That area includes parts of West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Frederick County, MD.  The techs use the softwash cleaning method, the safest pressure washing technique.

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