Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MD and Greencastle, PA
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Learn why Complete Power Wash is your best option for professional exterior cleaning of Tri-state area homes and businesses.

Hiring a Pressure Washing Company vs. an Amateur

Hiring a Pressure Washing Company vs. an Amateur

There are many reasons to hire a professional pressure washing company like Complete Power Wash.

Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MDThis is the time of year that many homeowners are completing household projects. Some think that power washing their home under the summer sun is a great idea. Many find out that they are wrong. Other people hire Complete Power Wash, because we are a professional pressure washing company. Many of those same people hire us again in the future, because they know it is worth the investment in having a clean, healthy home.

Keep reading to discover the pros of hiring Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD, as opposed to the alternatives.

The Good of Hiring a Professional Pressure Washing Company

Roof cleaning by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDOur techs use and know how to operate professional pressure washing equipment. Various building materials need to be cleaned the right way. An inexperienced tech or a homeowner wanting to save money may THINK they know how to clean. However, this can lead to damage that will cost a lot more than hiring a professional pressure washing company. Blasting into siding, wood, brick and concrete are real possibilities when amateurs work with high-pressure tools. Just consider how much money you WON’T save if you have to replace portions of siding or deck boards.


Safety is another BIG reason to hire a Complete Power Wash tech. Ladders, water pressure and wet surfaces can be a dangerous combination.  Our techs take the precautions. If our tech gets hurt, we will take care of our employee. If a homeowner or an uninsured novice gets hurt, it’s a different story. Pain, suffering and being out of work will cost a lot more than hiring us to wash your Hagerstown-area home. Click here to read more about pressure washing injuries.

NOTE: Beware of the novice who bought a pressure washing unit and the ink is still wet on his business cards. He – or she – may undercut the professional’s price, but property damage and lawsuits are not ways to pinch pennies.


Pressure washing isn’t about power washing. If you’ve heard the phrase, “Less is more,” it applies here.

Our techs are trained on the best way to clean every surface. It is rare to use intense water pressure to clean a home’s exterior. We use the softwash technique to combine the right pressure and the right gentle detergent to get the best result. These detergents are gentle on your home and on your landscaping. Most people think you have to blast away away algae, dirt, grime, stains and other elements that make your property ugly. This is not true and should be a red flag about those knocking on your door with a “sudden opening in the schedule.”


Brick walkway cleaning by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDYou want your house looking better than before the pressure washing work was done. Certainly no one wants damage to their home and everyone wants great results. Otherwise, why spend time and money on the job in the first place?

Pressure washing is a messy job. Professional pressure washing techs know how to clean and clean up a property to leave it looking spotless. A clean home and few water puddles should be the expectation. DIY pressure washers and fly-by-night novices are often dumbfounded when dirt and grime are just moved, instead of REmoved.

The Bad and The Ugly of NOT Hiring a Professional

Perhaps the best argument to hire a professional cleaning company are the top ways an amateur can cause more harm than good. Getting water inside the exterior walls can lead to mold, mildew and other harmful elements, which can cause health hazards. Broken windows, gouged wood, chipped paint, and scarred walkways and driveways round out the top “bad outcomes” from pressure washing equipment in the wrong hands.


Contact Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD

Contact us here, call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.220 or email us at

Click here to see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.


Getting Ready to Celebrate America’s Birthday

Getting Ready to Celebrate America’s Birthday

Happy birthday America! We at Complete Power Wash wish everyone a happy and safe Independence Day.

The July 4th celebrations of 2020 might be some of the strangest in recent history. The events of the first half of this year have left some people angry toward our nation. Others are emboldened in their love of country. The rest of the people are simply Happy Independence Day or July 4th from Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDfocused of staying healthy, hoping things get better. But there will be celebrations, because this marks the 242nd year of independence from Britain. We’ve collected some interesting facts about this holiday and our great country. Keep reading to learn more about the United States of America.

Pressure Washing Before July 4th Celebrations

Is your greater Hagerstown, MD-area home clean and ready for friends, family and fireworks? If not, contact us (online or call 301-842-2290) right away. We can’t promise a spot on our schedule, because this is our busy season. However, we will do our best to fit you in prior to the fourth or schedule you as soon as possible.

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs expertly wash housesroofs and do deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash technique, because it is the safest pressure washing method. Softwash is the combination of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents.


How Independence Came to Be

For years, the colonies and England had been at odds when the colonies convened a Continental Congress in Philadelphia. In the June 7, 1776 session in the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall), Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented a resolution. These are his now-famous words:

“Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

Celebrating America's birthdayThese words lead to the drafting of a statement presenting to the world the colonies’ case for independence. That lead Thomas Jefferson to draft The Declaration of Independence.

The facts below add the historical mystique of America’s early years.


Interesting Facts About America’s Birthday & Early Years

  1. The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men, eight of which were British.
  2. The oldest signer of the document was 70-year-old Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania.
  3. The first reading of the Declaration of Independence was in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. The public was summoned by the ringing of the Liberty Bell.
  4. Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on July 4th.
  5. Adams was the first president to live in the White House, when it opened in 1800.
  6. Abraham Lincoln is America’s tallest president, at six feet, four inches. James Madison was our shortest president, standing just five feet, four inches.
  7. The original Capital of the United States was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  8. Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.
  9. Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase was the first face on the one dollar bill.
  10. The Secret Service was created on the day Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. However, it wasn’t the role of the agency to protect the president until 1901. It was created to track down counterfeiters.



Now Booking June Pressure Washing Appointments

Now Booking June Pressure Washing Appointments

June is here and our schedule is starting to book up. Contact us right away if you want your home or business cleaned before the Independence Day holiday.

June pressure washing by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDJune is here and summer will soon officially begin. It has been a strange year, but we have high hopes that summer will be the gateway to normal life. In many places, pools, parks and restaurants are open, because the corona virus restrictions have been eased by officials. Prior to the start of summer (June 21), there are a few other celebration days. Sunday, June 14th is Flag Day and seven days later well celebrate dads. Father’s Day on June 21st is a great time to buy dad a great gift or to enjoy a fun activity with him.

Now, the questions is, is your home ready to be seen by the masses returning to public life?


Father’s Day Quotes

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano

“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland

“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” – George Herbert


While you’re celebrating dad and enjoying the warmer weather, we will be cleaning homes in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. Our techs are the local pressure washing experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. We also clean driveways, chimneys, gutters and remove graffiti.

Our techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. If your home is dirty — covered in black and green stains — call us to make it beautiful before family and friends arrive for summer gatherings.

June is National Men’s Health Month

June is National Men's Health MonthWe encourage dads to enjoy themselves on Father’s Day, but then make some changes the rest of the month…and the rest of the year. Simple changes in activity and diet can make a major life impact. Of course, we know there are some who are eating right and exercising. It seems like the recent COVID-19 restrictions have either encouraged good habits or bad habits, when it comes to nutrition and physical activity.

With the new year’s resolutions now six months behind and in front of us, we hope this will be a time to start over again for your health. We think it’s a great idea to be smart about what we eat and to keep moving. Click on this link if you want more details about the top 10 things you can do to lead a healthier life.

Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MDClick or Call for Pressure Washing

Call 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free pressure washing estimate.

Click here to see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area.

We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend!

We at Complete Power Wash hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer and we hope it means the start of a return to normal life.

The upcoming holiday is about remembering. It’s about remembering those who have served, because some of those gave all so many could live free and pursue happiness. It will also be about remembering when things were different in our world. The COVID-19 virus has caused illness, death, anxiety and an incredible disruption in all areas of life. This will certainly be a Memorial Day to remember. The usual pageantry of parades, ceremonies Memorial Day with Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MDand large gatherings of loved ones will be muted, at best. However, it might be the start of people leaving their quarantine situations, as restaurants and shops re-open and re-engage their customers.

We encourage people to move forward, while being wise and adhering to the restrictions that keep everyone safe. If you’re sick, stay home and get well. If you’re going out, where a mask in public places and keep a six-foot buffer from others. Wash your hands frequently and keep your hands away from your face.

Memorial Day Facts

Did You Know: Memorial Day is Monday, May 25, 2020. The holiday began after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans established it. It was originally called Decoration Day, because the citizens were encouraged to decorate the graves of those who died in the war. By the 20th Century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions merged and Memorial Day honored all Americans killed while in military service.

Read more about the Memorial Day holiday by clicking here.

From everyone at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD, we say “thank you” for all who have served to protect and defend our nation.

Why Complete Power Wash?

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDOur techs are the local pressure washing experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work, click here.

Contact Us for Your Pressure Washing Needs

Contact us here, call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.220 or email us at


“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”    – General George S. Patton
Pressure Washing During COVID-19 Outbreak

Pressure Washing During COVID-19 Outbreak

Complete Power Wash is available to clean your home during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Complete Power Wash is open for business during the pandemic, with a few notable changes. While the world is starting to awaken after two months of lock down, our pressure washing techs are already working. They understand it is and will be a sensitive time for a while. The fears of catching COVID-19 (corona virus) are real and they are taking the following steps to mitigate any real risk. These steps will make sure you and your home are safe, because they want you as a customer for life!

Power washing siding with softwash by Complete Power WashOur techs are working in accordance with Maryland issued CORVID19-04 and other local directives. Here are some of the added steps we are taking to protect you, our clients and our staff members.

We offer a totally contact-free experience, because we understand these are different times. Your estimate will be performed based on digital images downloaded from satellite feeds. If needed, we may ask for a picture or two from the customer. Any discussions required to determine the scope of work needed will be performed over the phone or by email. You will then have 30 days to let CPW know if there is an issue with the cleaning. We will happily return and re-treat the area in question.

Credit Card payment, as always, can be accepted. Customers paying with a check can leave the payment at an agreed upon place on the property. The CPW professional will secure it on the day of service.

The CPW staff is receiving continuing training in the proper use of our EPA-approved detergents. Our techs are issued appropriate safety gear for their protection.

CDC/EPA Disinfectants

The main soap solution for “softwashing” your property is made with Sodium Hypochlorite, the primary ingredient in Clorox (Bleach). We also (upon request) can disinfect with Quaternary Ammonium. Both are listed by the CDC and EPA as disinfectant against SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus/covid-19). We can use these disinfectants on virtually any service that can get wet. These areas include grocery stores, restrooms, playground equipment, medical offices, schools, etc….

Contact Us for “Softwash” Pressure Washing

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDCall 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free estimate.

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash.

Click here. to see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

Pressure Washing Testimonial

“They did an awesome job cleaning my entire townhouse! I highly recommend this company and will definitely use them again in the future!” – Regina C

Clean Gutters Equal a Healthy Home

Clean Gutters Equal a Healthy Home

Clean gutters are crucial for keeping water and harmful elements away from your home.

April showers mean May flowers.

Dirty gutters overflowing with rain water in Hagerstown, MDThis adage is true, even though clean gutters are not mentioned in the equation. However, add in clogged gutters and it changes, because the water can’t flow away from the house. Now, instead of May flowers, April showers brings mold, mildew, rotting wood, cracked foundations, etc….

Most people in the Greater Hagerstown, MD area likely never think about their gutters. Many may hear the rain on the roof. Most never think about the amount of water running into the gutter system. They don’t think about it, that is, until the water flows over the gutters and down the walls.

However, they will think about it once fungus starts growing and causing other issues, because that’s what misplaced water does so well.

Possible Health Problems

The professionals at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD know how important it is to keep gutters clean. They know that clean gutters are gutters functioning at a high level. This is why they offer gutter cleaning as part of their service. And they take pride in making sure they work correctly, while being a beautiful frame to the house’s physical appearance.

“The crew that performed the work were very professional…. All the downspouts were restored to their former state. I’m very pleased with the results and it was exactly as described to me by Sandy (of Complete Power Wash).” – Leonard T.

They are the pressure washing experts that know that mildew and other fungi can cause health risks. These risks include severe allergies, that can result in respiratory distress. Among the worst problems can be the triggering of an asthma attack in someone afflicted with the condition. For most, it is simply the need to get relief from an inhaler. Severe asthma cases can cause hospitalization or even death. It’s not worth the risk.

Clean Gutters by Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD

Clean Gutters by Complete Power Wash

In addition to health concerns, misdirected rain water can damage your home’s structure. The fascia wood behind the gutters can rot. The house’s exterior walls can be damaged. And, if the water continues to pool around the base of the house, the foundation can be compromised. Foundation damage can be VERY costly, because it compromises the integrity of the entire dwelling.

Complete Power Wash‘s techs will make sure the gutters are clean inside and out. Many homeowners are amazed by the house’s transformation, since the gutters frame the home. And if your home is going on the market, you can bet prospective buyers will notice. It could be the difference in the first impression from the curb. Buyers want to “wowed” by what they see. As a seller, you want them to fall in love with your house.

For more information on the importance of clean gutters, click here for an article from another trusted source.

Contact Us for Pressure Washing & Gutter Cleaning

Call us at 301.842.2290 or contact us online today for a free estimate.

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in house washingroof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained in commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash.

Click here. to see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros clean residences and businesses in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

April is National Month of Hope

April is National Month of Hope


April is the National Month of Hope and our world is definitely in need of hope.


While most of the planet is clamped down due to corona virus (COVID-19), there is reason to hope. Warmer temperatures and extra time with family are among the better outcomes from the havoc. We’ve also heard great stories of people helping people during this time. Many healthcare workers are making sacrifices to take care of those infected. Even inside the health crisis, there is some good news. Most people recover from the virus. Children often have little or no symptoms from it. The number of new cases from where it started is declining. Countries are working together on a common goal of limiting the spread and finding a cure. And, we should find hope in that the global community should be better prepared for future outbreaks.

Hope during pandemic from Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD

                                                Photo by Lynnelle Richardson


Other stories of hope include:

  • Miraculous stories of recovery by elderly patients.
  • Many celebrities and professional athletes donating large sums of money to institutions and essential workers in need.
  • Chefs teaching free, online cooking classes.
  • Air pollution has plummeted in cities with high numbers of quarantined individuals.
  • Venice, Italy’s canal waters are clear.
  • Artists giving free, online concerts.
  • The early release of films to watch through streaming services.
  • People purchasing local goods and services to help community-based business owners.
  • People making masks due to the shortage of such essential equipment.


We Have Hope

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDWe at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD, also have hope. Our hope that once this global pandemic is over, people will be more kind toward each other. We hope families will be closer and people will enjoy going back to work and serving alongside their coworkers.

We also hope to get to serve them as they return to everyday life.


Complete Power Wash’s Services

Complete Power Wash pressure washing techs are experts in house washing, roof cleaning and deck and patio cleaning. They are also trained Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MDin commercial and industrial power washing.  Our techs use the softwash technique of gentle water pressure and environmentally-friendly detergents. Softwash is the safest way to pressure wash.

Click here. to see a gallery of our pressure washing work in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also clean residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV. Call 301.842.2290 or contact us today for a free estimate.

Pressure Washing Injuries Can Be Painful

Pressure Washing Injuries Can Be Painful

For non-professionals, pressure washing equipment and technique can cause damage to your property and physical injuries to the operator.

Pressure washing injuries can be painfulPressure washing may look easy. It looks like it is hooking up a water line to a machine and then just blasting away the dirt and grime. This is not the case, because water pressure, power equipment and slippery surfaces can easily lead to injuries.

If you think were exaggerating, just look at some of the comments below. These were straight from a chat forum entitled, “Pressure Washers, anyone have an accident?”

Pressure Washing Injury Stories

“I was cleaning the vinyl siding and back deck of my girlfriend’s mother’s house when I inadvertently hit my left pinky at full throttle with a 4000 psi pressure washer. Now I must say that the impact only lasted about a second but the damage ended up being significant. The pressure from the massive amount of blood trapped below the skin was excruciating. I was watching my finger swell before my eyes and thinking that it was going to explode because it was so full of blood.”


“I once sprayed my foot by accident. At the emergency room they told me they see three or four pressure washer accident victims a week. The hand surgeon said, ‘I can’t believe you didn’t do more damage than that.’ I must also add that this was a pretty powerful machine; it’s 4000 PSI and I had it locked on full throttle.”


“I went to start one (pressure washing machine) and put my hand on the exhaust for leverage. It had been running just a couple minutes before. I heard it sizzle before I felt it. That hurt!”


“My brother works at a factory that manufactures these things (pressure washing machines). He says that some of the models ‘can cut a man in half.'”


“I’ve seen one used in mining, carve a hole in granite. I accidentally slipped a finger just an 1/8 of an inch over the nozzle on a very small weak home-use model and it carved the cleanest 1/8 cut I have ever had. Surgical!”


“I slipped and cut my leg open with a pressure washer. I was amazed how easily that thing could cut someone open!”


Contact Us for Professional Pressure Washing

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDThe Complete Power Wash techs are experts and happy to clean your roof, house, deck, walkways, driveway and more. Don’t risk having a pressure washing injury. Contact us here, call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.220 or email us at sandy@completepowerwashcom.

Our pressure washing techs work throughout the greater Hagerstown, MD area, including Boonsboro, Clear Spring, Myersville, Maugansville, Keedysville, Williamsport, Funkstown, Hancock, etc… We also serve most of Frederick County, MD. Our pros also pressure wash residences and commercial buildings in nearby Greencastle, PA and Martinsburg, WV.

To see a gallery of our pressure washing work, click here.

A Great Idea for Your Tax Return

A Great Idea for Your Tax Return

Your Tax Return Could Help Transform Your Home from Dirty and Unattractive to the Cleanest Home in Your Neighborhood.

Tax return is a great idea for hiring Complete Power Wash to pressure wash your home.March is here and you’re either getting your tax information together or you’re waiting to secure that refund. With online software and tax kiosks located in most shopping areas, returns are getting done faster and faster. You may have your cash in hand, because of the rapid refund programs available through many outlets. Either way, now is the time to think about a wise way to spend or save that money. Most of you could afford to do both, if you spend some on pressure washing services and stash the rest of the cash away for another day.

That’s why we at Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD suggest you inspect your home’s exterior now and identify what needs to be cleaned. This way, when the refund arrives, you have a plan.

Is your roof stained? Is your siding or brick exterior a different color — green or black — from when you moved into your home? Are there stains on your walkways or deck? If the answers are “yes,” your house is actually aging faster due to the build up of grime, algae and other elements. This is the time to seriously consider a professional pressure wash cleaning. Now, look beyond your roof and siding. What’s the condition of your fence, gutters,driveway and other surfaces?

Complete Power Wash‘s softwash technique of low water pressure and gentle detergents, is best for cleaning stained roofs, siding, concrete, wood and nearly every surface that can be cleaned. Always remember, once a surface is damaged by misuse of high-pressure tools, it is hard to fix and make the surface look right again.

It’s Just a Little Ugly, Right?

Gutter Cleaning in Hagerstown, MD by the pressure washing experts at Complete Power WashA thorough cleaning will not only make all the surfaces shine like new, but will also remove the microbes from those surfaces. These elements can cause contaminated air and lead to health problems for your family. Buildup on outdoor living spaces and water that invades outer walls are the biggest personal health hazards. Clean gutters will ensure that rain water flows away from your home.

Water that streams down and into walls can be a serious issue. It takes very little moisture for mold and mildew to take hold and then cause thousands of dollars in damage. Not only that, such contaminants can easily trigger asthma attacks and cause allergic reactions that can cause long-term health problems.

If you would like to spend your tax return on a professional pressure washing of your home, schedule an appointment soon. The Complete Power Wash techs are the exterior cleaning experts in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. They work throughout the surrounding Tri-state communities, into West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Contact Us to Schedule a Spring Pressure Washing

Complete Power Wash technician pressure washing in Hagerstown, MDOnce your tax return is secured, we at Complete Pressure Washing want to schedule you for an early spring cleaning. Our techs would love to bring their softwash expertise and help you have the best-looking home in your neighborhood. Even if the plants are starting to bloom, our use of gentle water pressure and environmentally-safe detergents won’t interrupt their progress. Just imagine green grass and colorful plants and trees framing a freshly-cleaned home in the greater Hagerstown, MD area. We think there are few things more beautiful.

If this sounds good to you, contact us here for questions or to schedule an appointment. You can also call our Hagerstown, MD office at 301.842.2290 or email We’re happy to provide a free estimate.


Visit Us at the HBA Home Show in March

Visit Us at the HBA Home Show in March

Once again we will be available to talk to existing and future pressure washing clients at Hagerstown’s premier winter event at HCC.

Complete Power Wash in Hagerstown, MD at the 2018 HBA Home ShowThe Complete Power Wash staff and techs are looking forward to meeting you next weekend at Hagerstown Community College. The community college’s ARCC building is the site of the 2020 Washington County Home Builder’s Association Home Show.

“We enjoy our time at the Home Show because it gives us a chance to catch up and visit with some of our clients,” said Tim Fields, who family owns and operates Complete Power Wash and BlueBox Rentals dumpster rental company. “The Fields family has participated in the Home Show for almost twenty years. It’s something that we look forward to every year.”

Tim will be on hand to answer pressure washing questions. Tim loves his job so much, he’ll even take time to educate attendees on the importance of hiring qualified techs to clean your property. Softwash pressure washing is among the topics he enjoys discussing. 

The Home Show takes place Saturday, March 9th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday the 10th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is just $2 for adults and free for children 12 and younger.

More Home Show Information

Click on this link to go to the Washington County Home Builder’s Association website, for more information on the event. HCC is located at 11400 Robinwood Drive in Hagerstown. The campus is approximately 2.5 miles from downtown Hagerstown and is easily accessible from Interstates 81 and 70. The directions below are from the HCC website.

From Pennsylvania: Follow Interstate 81 South. Take Exit 6A to Route 40 East and proceed through the downtown area of Hagerstown passing through the city square and onto Dual Highway. Turn left onto Mount Aetna Road next to Pizza Hut. Turn left at the second traffic light onto Robinwood Drive. After the second traffic light, follow the roundabout onto the HCC campus.

From West Virginia: Follow Interstate 81 North. Take Exit 4 to Interstate 70 East. Take Exit 32B to Hagerstown turning right at the first traffic light onto Edgewood Drive. Pass through three traffic lights and then follow the roundabout onto the HCC campus.

From Frederick, Maryland and points East: Follow Interstate 70 West. Take Exit 32B to Hagerstown turning right at the first traffic light onto Edgewood Drive. Pass through three traffic lights and then follow the roundabout onto the HCC campus.

From Clear Spring, Maryland and points West: Follow Interstate 70 East. Take Exit 32B to Hagerstown turning right at the first traffic light onto Edgewood Drive. Pass through three traffic lights and then follow the roundabout onto the HCC campus.

Complete Power Wash uses softwash in Hagerstown, MDContact Us about Pressure Washing

To learn more about Complete Power Wash’s schedule for spring pressure washing appointments, contact us here or call our Hagerstown office at 301.842.2290. Read our online reviews here.

Complete Power Wash is a professional pressure washing company in Hagerstown, MD. The CPW techs clean the exteriors of homes, businesses and churches in Western Maryland’s Tri-state area. That area includes parts of West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Frederick County, MD.  The techs use the softwash cleaning method, the safest pressure washing technique.

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